


Our oil is called green gold, because it is impossible to find this variety anywhere else in the world. Peranzana’s oil has a low acidity level and its taste is well balanced; this makes it the real extra virgin olive oil that is ready to be consumed right after its extraction. This exact variety has been introduced by Raimondo Prince of Sangro and Duce of Torre Maggiore in the middle of the 16th century. For this reason, Peranzana’s variety can only be found in this specific area of Southern Italy.





The extra virgin olive oil is extremely healthy for our body. Its formula contains 99% of lipids and vitamins E and K as well as potassium, sodium, calcium, iron and zinc. Because of all the vitamins it contains, the Peranzana’s extra virgin oil is a valid source of help to cure diseases like Diabetes, Alzheimer and high cholesterol level.