Asparagus of Agrifedel is a unique product and its quality level is very high because it is delivered to the distribution chains after only 12 hours from harvesting. Agrifedel works with 177 asparagus producers who, year after year, have enhanced their expertise in its cultivation. The quality has been recognized especially abroad where in recent years the export has increased by 37%. The asparagus is divided into 4 gauges and based on the request of the market Agrifeled is able to respond to the demands of its customers.
Asparagus has numerous beneficial nutritional characteristics. It is free of unhealthy fats and cholesterol and it is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. It is very rich in vitamin B6, calcium, zinc and magnesium and it also contains vitamins E and K, iron, phosphorus and potassium. In addition, asparagus it’s rich on fiber: in 100g portions there is 2.1 g of fiber.